Xiansheng Sun 孙贤胜

Director General, Energy Industry Cooperation Committee, CCIIP & Former Secretary General, International Energy Forum 中国国际投资促进会副会长 & 国际能源论坛原秘书长

He was deeply involved in the Chinese energy five-year plan and many other major policies. During his tenure as president of CNPC ETRI, the institute was selected as a National Energy Administration research and consulting base and as a pilot institution in the first round Chinese national advanced think-tank selection. With more than 30 years of oil & gas industry working experience, he accumulated practical industry experience in oil and gas production, trading and pipeline construction. He once worked as Chairman of CNPC subsidiary company in Sudan, South Sudan and the countries in Central Asia, and participated in the negotiations with OPEC twice. He also worked as a chief coordinator in several CNPC foreign cooperation negotiation at domestic. He is frequently invited as a speaker in international big events, and has published many academic papers. 孙贤胜,国际能源论坛(IEF)前秘书长,英国邓迪大学矿产资源法博士,曾担任中国石油集团经济技术研究院院长、亚洲天然气市场论坛(AGMF)秘书长、东北亚天然气与管道论坛(NAGPF)副理事长、中国石油学会经济专业委员会常务副主任,《国际石油经济》杂志编委会主任、中俄副总理级能源对话机制顾问等职务。 曾主持研究多项课题上报有关政府部门,领导的团队深度参与了中国能源五年规划编制与重大政策制定,成为首批国家高端智库建设试点和首批国家能源局研究咨询基地。拥有30余年的油气行业背景,曾担任中国石油在苏丹、南苏丹及中亚地区若干国别公司董事长一职,代表中国政府两次参与OPEC对话,主持参加多个中国石油对外合作谈判,多次在国际大型论坛做主题发言,发表学术论文多篇。