Guanglian Pang

Secretary General of Committee of Multinationals of CPCIF & Secretary General of the Going Global Confederation of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry 中国石油和化学工业联合会党委常委、副秘书长 & 国际交流与外企委员会秘书长

Mr. Pang received a Master's Degree from Peking University in 1991 (at the period of 1988-1991, teaching at the University) and worked as project manager and then General Manager of the subsidiary company of China Machinery Import & Export Corporation from 1991 to 2002.( during such period, he worked temporarily at Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Algeria, Thailand, etc. so was familiar with the business environment and culture of MENA countries). He was the General Manager, Buz. Unit, Genertec International Corporation. He edited and published some books such as Fuel Ethanol, Defining the Future-2030 and beyond for China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Foreign Economic Contracts, Dictionary of English Stylistics, Global Trend & China Opportunities, etc. He set up the platform to help the industry go global and finished multiple research projects as the policy advices to be submitted to related government departments like NDRC, MIIT and SASAC. Dozens of his articles on chemical management, energy, waste treatment, low-carbon strategy, etc. were published in newspapers. He actively advocated in the Industry green & sustainable development, TFS (green supply chain), circular economy, new plastic economy, responsible care, and etc. He initiated and operated several brand international conferences and seminars such as China Petroleum & Chemical International Conference, Asian Downstream Technology & Markets Conference, Sanya International Energy Forum, Sino-Foreign Petrochemical CEO Roundtable, etc.
庞广廉,现任中国石油和化学工业联合会党委常委、副秘书长,国际交流和外企委员会秘书长,中国石油和化工行业国际产能合作企业联盟秘书长,国家化工对外经济合作中心副主任,中国监控化学品协会副理事长,对外经济贸易大学兼职教授,高级国际商务师,国际营销专家。 2002-2009年,任中国通用技术(集团)控股有限责任公司通用国际公司党委委员、事业部总经理。1991-2002年,任中国机械进出口(集团)有限公司项目经理、子公司总经理(期间曾在沙特阿拉伯、埃及、阿尔及利亚、泰国等国短暂工作,熟悉中东北非等地的文化和商业习俗)。1991年获北京大学硕士学位(1988-1991年,同时在北大任教。 曾编著《燃料乙醇》、《中国化工的全球机遇》、《汉英涉外经济合同大全》、《英语文体学辞典》等,参与组织编撰了《未来十年世界石油化学工业发展趋势和中国创新发展机遇》、《开创下一个未来——2030年中国石油和化学工业展望》等,主持了《REACH法规对中国化工产业的影响》、《中国化工企业走出去》、《石化行业企业国际产能合作等重大课题》,在报刊发表行业热点文章几十篇,创办了行业最具影响力的几个品牌国际会议——中国国际石油化工大会、亚洲炼油和石化科技大会、三亚国际能源论坛、中外石化企业高层对话会等。 在行业内积极倡导绿色可持续发展、绿色供应链、循环经济、新塑料经经等理念,分享跨国企业的先进经验和做法,举办黑客松(大学生化工创意大赛)、TFSC等具有影响力的活动,为跨国企业的政策和法规等方面的诉求在政府部门游说,取得了良好的效果。