Mr. Li is in-charge of various field research works, including international relations of Sino-Arab nations, cooperation in the field of energy, economic and trading cooperation, industrial technology innovations and promotions, expositions preparations, cultural and educational exchanges and talent trainings. Mr. Li had been working in China Institute of Contemporary International Relations(CICIR) during 1988 to 2014. Mr. Li used to be Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Ph.D Supervisor, Vice-President of CICRI. Mr. Li used to be in-charging of research works of Department of Middle-East issues in CICIR. CICIR is one of think-tanks and vital contributors to Chinese government on Strategies of middle-east issues. Mr. Li received his Master Degree of Politics and Low at University of International Relations in 1988. Mr. Li has been studying in the Middle-East issues field in past over 30 years, during the period, Mr. Li has been the President of Chinese Association of Middle Eastern Studies, the gainer of " National May 1st Labor Award" and also enjoys Chinese Government Subsidies. 李绍先1979--1983年就读于山西大学历史系获学士学位,1985--1988年就读于北京国际关系学院获法学硕士学位,1988--2014年就职于国家顶级智库中国现代国际关系研究院(CICIR),其中2004--2014年任负责中东、非洲、东南亚、南亚业务研究的副院长。 李绍先个人从事中东问题逾30年,目前担任中国中东学会副会长,中国人民对外友好协会理事,国家行政学院特聘教授,并且被中央电视台、中央人民广播电台聘为国际问题顾问、特约评论员。