Qifan (chee-fan) Yang

Lead Sustainable Mobility Analyst

Qifan joined S&P Global Mobility (formerly IHS Markit Automotive) in August 2018 and has since taken multiple roles in Powertrain Compliance, Data Quality and Governance, and Sustainable Mobility.

As Lead Analyst, Qifan is leading the development of preparatory models and methodologies in carbon accounting of GHG Scope 1/2/3 emissions with advanced data analytics and the latest life cycle assessment techniques. Qifan also supports the development of CO2 compliance business initiatives and forecast product offerings.

Before joining S&P Global, Qifan worked as a fuel economy and powertrain performance engineer at FCA, responsible for virtual synthesis and simulation of next-gen SUV/Truck programs. Qifan also interned at the US EPA's National Vehicle Fuel Emission Laboratory.

Qifan holds a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and Bachelor's degree from RPI. He is currently pursuing an MBA degree from University of Chicago Booth School of Business, expected to be completed by 2025.