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Market Movers Europe, Feb 1-5: Covid impact and energy transition targets to be reflected in results season

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Watch: Market Movers Europe, Feb 1-5: Covid impact and energy transition targets to be reflected in results season

  • Featuring
  • Stergios Zacharakis
  • Commodity
  • Energy Electric Power Energy Transition LNG Natural Gas Oil
  • Length
  • 04:37
  • Topic
  • Coronavirus and Commodities Energy Transition

In this week's highlights: Some of the biggest players in the European oil industry report results this week, reflecting on what was a very turbulent 2020; in the European gas market, storage levels are in focus after record-breaking withdrawals from facilities so far this year; and in power markets, the return of the BritNed interconnector after two months offline is likely to have a big impact on prices.

Oil companies Covid impact in spotlight

Rate of European gas withdrawals easing

Relief for UK as BritNed due to return

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