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37th Annual World Petrochemical Conference
| Online & In-Person
March 22-25, 2022
Houston, TX
The World Petrochemical Conference is heading back to Houston in 2022! Navigating towards Net-Zero : Seeking a Sustainable and Valuable Chemicals Future through Integration and Innovation
At the 2022 World Petrochemical Conference, we will hear about
the progress towards a better climate and society and the vital
role of chemicals in everyday life.
Join us March 22 -25, 2022 for a dazzling array of sessions
featuring major chemical companies and leading organizations
discussing the critical issues that impact the chemical market,
numerous networking opportunities and a variety of industry leading
petrochemical training courses.
This year's event will offer both in person attendance and a
virtual platform fully loaded with flexible streaming options,
attendee engagement, advanced networking and sponsorship tools. The
event platform will create a one-stop-shop experience for attendees
- both in-person and virtual.
Your safety is our highest priority. We will be closely
monitoring the COVID-19 situation as the event approaches and will
make any necessary changes to the format and/or program as required
to guarantee the health and safety of our attendees, speakers, and
colleagues and ensure full compliance with all relevant government
and local mandates.