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Oct 11, 2022
Chemical Markets: From the Pandemic to Energy Transition
The global chemical markets must overcome obstacles from the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, supply chain issues, and energy transition. There are many questions that are lingering in the industry.
- Which chemical value chains had a good level of resilience against COVID-19 and which ones suffered due to the connected industries?
- How is the war on Ukraine affecting the chemical prices?
- How can chemical plants be reconfigured to run on cheaper fuel?
- How are chemicals already helping the reduction of carbon emissions?
Watch our recent video that covers the chemical markets from the pandemic to energy transition.
S&P Global Commodity Insights goes beyond the basics with chemical market coverage that helps you make sense of rapid changes and new trends in today's markets. Businesses who take an expansive view across the value chain are more likely to spot opportunities that can give them the competitive edge.
Our data and insights is intelligence that turns the complexity of the chemical markets into opportunity.
This article was published by S&P Global Commodity Insights and not by S&P Global Ratings, which is a separately managed division of S&P Global.
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