In this list
Agriculture | Energy | Electric Power | Natural Gas | Oil | Metals

Market Movers Europe, Feb 15-19: Signs of commodities bull run seen in oil, power, and carbon prices

Crude Oil | Natural Gas | Natural Gas (North America) | Upstream

Platts Upstream Indicator

Agriculture | Food | Grains | Livestock

Field to fork: Unpacking feed and meat demand in Asia and the Middle East (part 2)

Capital Markets | Commodities | Energy | Natural Gas | Natural Gas (European) | Natural Gas (North American) | Natural Gas Risk | Shipping | Leveraged Finance & High Yield | Materials | Building & Construction | Financial Services | Banking | Infrastructure | Structured Finance

LNG Conference, 20th

Agriculture | Energy Transition | Metals | Natural Gas | Upstream | Chemicals | Biofuels | Renewables | Ferrous | Steel | Hydrogen | Emissions | Carbon | Fertilizers

Japan tightens low-carbon ammonia standards to align with Europe, US

Agriculture | Energy | Oil | Refined Products | Gasoline

The price of European Biodiesel

Electric Power | Energy Transition | Metals | Renewables | Non-Ferrous | Ferrous | Steel | Carbon | Emissions

Insight conversation: Alejandro Wagner, Alacero

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Watch: Market Movers Europe, Feb 15-19: Signs of commodities bull run seen in oil, power, and carbon prices

  • Featuring
  • Sarah Jane Flaws
  • Commodity
  • Agriculture Energy Electric Power Natural Gas Oil Metals
  • Length
  • 04:21
  • Topic
  • Commodities 2021 OPEC+ Oil Output Cuts

In this week's highlights: commodity prices rebound, with Dated Brent breaching the 60 dollar per barrel mark, European carbon prices reach all-time highs, and Russia is set to introduce export quotas and duty on grains from February 15th.

Price ramp-up, Iranian resurgence in focus

Carbon hits all-time high on cold weather

French nuclear outlook takes centre stage

Russia's new cap on grains exports

European steel market demand upturns