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EC to propose '1st Gen' biofuels phase-out, new advanced mandate from 2021

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Watch: EC to propose '1st Gen' biofuels phase-out, new advanced mandate from 2021

  • Featuring
  • James Wallis
  • Commodity
  • Agriculture
  • Length
  • 3:34

The European Commission would propose for biofuels made from feed or food crop-based feedstocks to be phased out beginning in 2021, while a simultaneously introduced sub-mandate for advanced biofuels would ramp up consumption going up to 2030, according to an unofficial draft document seen by S&P Global Platts November 16.

Sean Bartlett, Platts managing editor, EMEA agriculture, explains the proposed 2030 targets in percentage terms for biofuels and the trajectory starting 2020 for achieving those targets from both feed/food crop based biofuels and advanced biofuels.

The final version of the document is expected to be released on November 30.