Platts eWindow

Platts EDITORIAL WINDOW (eWINDOW)® is a data-entry and online communications tool that provides market participants with a transparent, at-a-glance view of price assessments in the physical spot and derivatives markets.

Delivering greater speed and efficiency to the price assessment process for crude, as well as refined products and biofuels, Platts eWindow facilitates the price assessment process by combining the Platts Market on Close (MOC) price assessment methodology with state-of-the-art technology, customized for Platts and licensed from the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE).

Platts eWindow is used by more than 460 companies, covering 50 markets worldwide. Since its introduction in 2007, more than 391,000 transactions have been reported on Platts eWindow.


Platts eWindow


Clarity and transparency — In real time, view all firm bids, offers and transaction data communicated to Platts editors during the MOC process. Access an online community of more than 2,000 users worldwide.

Efficiency and data management — Directly manage orders, make price changes, indicate trading requirements and confirm deal information simultaneously to Platts and the marketplace.

Trade confirmation and data logging — Execute trades through the ICE system interface without leaving the Platts MOC environment. Back offices instantly receive and process trade confirmations.

Counterparty clarity and credit management — Better assess counterparty appropriateness through Platts eWindow's transparent environment, as well as ICE's integrated credit control system — including ICE Clear — for both physical and derivative trades.

Regional Market Overviews

The following guides provide you with brief descriptions of the markets we cover by region. We frequently add markets to our coverage. For the latest information, be sure to contact us at

Asia market overview

EMEA market overview

Americas market overview