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Have metallurgical coal prices finally hit the bottom?

Metals | Non-Ferrous | Steel

Platts Market Data Metals


철광석 지수 -- IODEX

보기: Have metallurgical coal prices finally hit the bottom?

  • 주요 내용
  • James Wallis
  • 원자재
  • Metals
  • 길이
  • 3:21

Metallurgical coal prices have been on a downtrend since January 2011. At the current range of $80/mt to $100/mt, is the market finally hitting the bottom?

Edwin Yeo, managing editor for steel raw materials, explains why many market players believe so, especially since supply is tightening from three major sources of met coal. The next big question is: will the current state of met coal affairs lead to a rally in prices?