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One year to EU sugar quota abolition - are you ready?

Agriculture | Biofuels

Platts Biofuelscan

Agriculture | Sugar

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보기: One year to EU sugar quota abolition - are you ready?

  • 주요 내용
  • James Wallis
  • 원자재
  • Agriculture
  • 길이
  • 3:44

There is less than one year to go until the European Union ushers in a new era for the sugar industry. Production quotas, export limits and the guarantee of a minimum sugar beet price for farmers will be abolished for the season starting October 1, 2017. David Elward considers the implications of the change on regional production, the potential for a surge in exports and a decline in imports, and the increased exposure to world pricing dynamics as the EU reclaims its place on the world stage.