
Singapore's Pavilion Energy charters first LNG bunker vessel

船运 | 船用燃料

Platts Bunkerwire

Energy Transition | 天然气 | Upstream | 成品油 | 液化天然气 (LNG) | 船运 | 原油 | Chemicals | 农产品 | 可再生能源 | 排放物 | Carbon | 燃料油 | 船用燃料油 | 液化石油气 (LPG) | 化肥


金属 | 钢材 | 钢材


农产品 | Energy Transition | 成品油 | 天然气 | Upstream | 原油 | 生物燃料 | 可再生能源 | 汽油




Singapore's Pavilion Energy charters first LNG bunker vessel

  • 作者
  • Abache Abreu
  • 编辑
  • Irene Tang
  • 大宗商品
  • 船运

Sydney — Singapore's state-owned Pavilion Energy has chartered its first LNG bunker vessel for bunkering in Singapore, as the city state continues to expand its LNG infrastructure and strengthen its key role as global bunkering port and LNG trading hub.




The 12,000 cu m LNG bunker vessel, to be owned by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, is the largest LNG bunker vessel set for use in the Port of Singapore to date, Pavilion said in a statement Monday. MOL will be collaborating with Sinanju, a local bunker tanker operator in Singapore, to manage this vessel.

The vessel will be built by Sembcorp Marine at its shipyard in Singapore for delivery by early 2021. It will fulfill requirements as an LNG feeder and bunker tanker for both coastal and short sea trade.

"The strategic partnerships with Total and MOL reinforce our commitment to develop robust LNG bunker supply solutions in Singapore as our home base," said Frederic H. Barnaud, Group CEO of Pavilion Energy.

"As the world's largest bunkering port, we are pleased to support the building of this LNG bunker vessel. We look forward to this collaboration catering to growing future demand for ship-to-ship LNG bunkering in the Port of Singapore," said Quah Ley Hoon, chief executive of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore.

-- Abache Abreu, abache.abreu@spglobal.com

-- Edited by Irene Tang, newsdesk@spglobal.com