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S&P Global Commodity Insights
Principal Analyst, European Renewables, Gas, Power, and Climate Solutions
Diego Ortiz is a principal analyst with the Gas, Power, and Climate Solutions team at S&P Global Commodity Insights
Diego leads Iberian power analytics and European renewable forecasts. He is currently dedicated to the analysis of the European renewable power sector. This includes a deep understanding of the European PPA market and the evolution and calculation of renewable LCOEs. Before joining S&P Global, he held a position as a business developer for Mexico and Central America at Enel SpA, where he focused on developing hybrid projects to participate in long-term energy auctions.
While completing his master's degree at the University of Groningen, Diego's research centered on the integration of a large-scale energy storage (PHS) system into the Mexican electrical system. During his master's program, he also completed a research with DNV GL with the objective of developing a methodology to assess the positive externalities of second-generation biomethane deployment in France.
Diego holds a degree in sustainable development engineering at the Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) in Mexico and a master's degree in energy and environmental sciences from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. He is fluent in French, Spanish, English, and Dutch.
Head of Emissions Technical, Center of Emissions Excellence
Heather Jones, Head of Emissions Technical, Center of Emissions Excellence, S&P Global Commodity Insights Heather leads a team of greenhouse gas experts that work across divisions within S&P Global Commodity Insights to provide guidance and expertise related to greenhouse gases
Emissions Insight Analyst
Wanying is an Emissions Insight Analyst at S&P Global Commodity Insights, which is a rotational role between the Center of Emissions Excellence team and the Energy Transition Upstream Consulting team
Global Head, Center of Emissions Excellence and Chief Analyst Canadian Oil Markets
Kevin leads the Centre of Emission Excellence at S&P Global Commodity Insights, focusing on emissions quantification and advising on Canadian oil market dynamics.