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S&P Global Market Intelligence
Director; APAC Business Development; Market Data, Valuations and Analytics
This eventually led to him taking on a role based in New York leading the equity derivatives data business helping customers across North America. Upon his return to Australia, Gerald took on a new challenge assuming responsibility for business development across derivatives data and valuations services; fixed income pricing data; and reference data across all market segments.
Head of Company Information Services
Marc Barrachin, CFA currently heads the Company Information Services (CIS) business within S&P Global Market Intelligence (MI), a division of S&P Global (NYSE: SPGI). In this capacity, Mr. Barrachin oversees the growth and development of the CIS business. CIS encompasses cross reference services, company financials and estimates, corporate structure, ownership, transactions, industry classification, filings, transcripts, private markets data, alternative and unstructured data, enabling customers to make decisions about lending, investing, acquiring or doing business with other companies and fu
Research Director
Lisa Fontanella, with about 25 years of experience analyzing the electric and gas industries, is a principal analyst for Regulatory Research Associates, or RRA, an offering of S&P Global Market Intelligence. RRA provides independent, expert analysis and consultation on utility securities and regulation. At RRA, Ms. Fontanella participates in the state coverage of electric, gas and water regulation and communicates regulatory-related information through written reports and oral communications with clients. In addition, Ms. Fontanella leads the regulatory research effort at RRA and is responsible for managing a portion of the regulatory team.
Research Director, Energy
Ms. Federico has been following the power and gas utility sector for more than 30 years, and the water sector for the last three years at Regulatory Research Associates, which is now an offering of S&P Global Market Intelligence.