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About S&P Global
Corporate Responsibility
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Head of iLEVEL, S&P Global Market Intelligence
He is responsible for the growth and strategic direction of the business.
During his time with Market Intelligence, Chris has contributed to the development and execution of the firm’s private markets strategic, including responsibility for go-to-market, sales enablement, product strategy, strategic client development, and synergies.
Before Market Intelligence, Chris spent 5 years at Cambridge Associates in portfolio monitoring and quantitative due diligence, where he was also responsible for the production and distribution of Cambridge’s Private Investments benchmarks. Chris also held roles in Product and Data Strategy at eVestment/Nasdaq and Juniper Square.
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David Jesson
Managing Director, Loan Platforms, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Alexia Ash
Director, Risk Quantification, Country Risk, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Rashi Garg
Product Analysis and Design Director, Fixed Income Pricing, S&P Global Market Intelligence