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Agricultura | Energia | GNL | Transporte marítimo

Insight Conversation with Jorge Quijano, Panama Canal Authority CEO

Energia | Petróleo | Produtos Refinados | Combustível de aviação

Combustível de Aviação S&P Global Commodity Insights

Agricultura | Produtos Refinados | Gasolina

Avaliação de preço Platts para o etanol anidro da região NNE do Brasil

Assistir: Insight Conversation with Jorge Quijano, Panama Canal Authority CEO

  • Apresentando
  • Sameer Mohindru
  • Commodity
  • Agricultura Energia GNL Transporte marítimo

The global commodities space is witnessing some dramatic swings in trade flows as it tries to come to terms with intensifying tariff disputes and geopolitical tensions. Amid the changing scenario, Panama Canal Authority's CEO Jorge Quijano spoke to S&P Global Platts on some of the key issues which would have implications on energy and agricultural flows.