Fixed Income In-Focus
Bond defaults, short squeeze activities, market volatility and regulatory changes?Let us translate what trends signal for Asia Pacific markets.

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Uncleared Margin Rules: Should only geeks care about Initial Margin calculation?
Achieving compliance with UMR requires a substantial effort. There are many elements to address, from document negotiation to setting up segregated custody accounts as well as putting in place a system for IM calculation and collateral management. As a result, often the issues of risk sensitivity and SIMM calculation lack the attention they deserve, and this oversight in either over or underestimating a firm's IM amount can be costly.
US equity investor sentiment lifts from lows in October but caution persists
US equity investors' risk appetite has picked up in October from the one-year survey low seen in September, but remains subdued compared to earlier in the year as investors cite concerns over the political environment and perceive waning equity market support from monetary and fiscal policy. The Risk Appetite Index has risen to +7% in October from +1%, but that compares with a peak of +54% back in April to signal an ongoing cautious mood.
The top three considerations in choosing a private equity technology partner
Growth in the volume of data at private asset management firms is driving key decision makers to revisit how technology plays a role in generating insights, decisions, reports, and ultimately value. This transformation brings with it new decisions for firms when determining an optimal technology strategy and investing in portfolio data management. What are the key considerations when choosing a technology partner?
Asia Risk Awards: Market Data Vendor of the Year interview
We are delighted to be awarded ‘Market Data Vendor of the Year’ by Asia Risk. In this interview, our Brendon Seeto outlines the two biggest data trends this year and beyond, and how firms are responding to them. Watch the video now.
Asia Risk Awards: Margining Solution of the Year interview
We are delighted to be awarded ‘Margining Solution of the Year’ by Asia Risk. With five phases behind us, phase 6 firms will need to prepare for compliance with the Initial Margin requirements. Our Hiroshi Tanase outlines our clients’ biggest pain points and how we can help. Watch the interview now.
Risk Hong Kong: Uncleared Margin Rules and Resolving the insourcing vs. outsourcing puzzle?
View the recording from a recent panel discussion with Asia Risk. Zaid Shahzadeh, Executive Director - Pricing, Valuation and Reference Data, S&P Global, speaks with panelist from AIA about the challenges and solutions for phase 6 firms as deadlines approach.