Identify the organizations and individuals with influence and decision-making power critical to your business success.
Our influence mapping work is the first step to any market entry or stakeholder engagement strategy design. Similarly, we work with clients already operational in a country to help navigate new processes or emerging interests relevant to their sector and operational footprint. Our offering is designed to identify the stakeholders and influence dynamics with the ability to impact both positively and negatively on your business. We unpack the underlying motivations and agendas of key people at national and local levels. We look at how their actions may drive policy decisions, new risks to your strategy, and possible changes in reigning influence. We work with senior country experts to discuss our analysis and the implications for your business and accelerate your strategy planning and execution. Key questions our influence mapping addresses
- Who are the key influencers, power brokers and influence nodes for your sector? (political and non-political, national and local)
- What makes these actors influential? Who/what creates influence and could those things be taken away?
- What would lead to a shift in that support that would impact on the stakeholders’ relative influence?
- What are the key concerns of these stakeholders? What are they likely to try to achieve over the coming three years and what are their priorities?
- Who would be the most likely successor for these stakeholders? Does that successor have a similar or divergent agenda? Would they be as influential as the current stakeholders?