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S&P Global Mobilityの消費者インサイトレポートおよび関連データベースは、革新的テクノロジー、新たなサービス、コネクティビティの向上が、新車購入検討時の重要な決定要因であることを示唆しています。この調査は、米国、中国、ドイツ、英国、日本、インド、ブラジル、韓国、タイの 8大自動車市場を対象とした8,000 台の車両から情報を収集しています*。
今日の消費者は、緊急対応通知、車両遠隔制御、ターン・バイ・ターン・ナビゲーション、Wi-Fi、遠隔測定サービスなどのコネクティッド機能を搭載したインフォテインメントシステムを求めています。S&P Global では、現在のコネクティッドカーの台数は合計約1億5,800万台で、2023年までに4 億3,800万台がコネクティッドになると推定しています。今日の消費者は、所有期間中つねに新鮮なソフトウェアエクスペリエンスを期待しており、迅速な無線アップデートと継続的なソフトウェア機能強化によって性能の遅れやバグが解決されることを期待しています。これは今日、主にモバイル分野での経験がもたらす、顧客の根源的な期待です。この状況は、消費者がモバイル、スマートホーム、ウェアラブル技術、PC分野で慣れ親しんでいるものを模倣する自動車中心のアプリと接続ソリューションが、GoogleやAppleをはじめとする、自動車分野に参入する IT企業の脅威の高まりに直面している自動車メーカーにとって最も重要であることを意味します。対象トピックは以下の通りです。
Yanina is responsible for the management and execution of
automotive consumer insight studies for AutoTechInsight. In this
role, she has delivered insightful analysis of consumer trends in
automotive components and technology as well as providing project
management support for custom consumer research for internal and
external stakeholders.She has over 10 years experience specializing in market and
competitive intelligence as well as quantitative and qualitative
consumer research for Tier 1 automotive suppliers ranging from
electronics to automotive paint. Projects included experiential
research, advanced product clinics, and focus groups on various
automotive topics like car sharing, autonomous driving, and
connected services.Yanina holds a Bachelor of Administration and an MBA degree both
from the University of Michigan - Dearborn with focus in
International Business and Marketing.
Brian primary responsibilities include looking after research
related to automotive connectivity, infotainment, and in-vehicle
user experience. His role also includes speaking to the market on
behalf of S&P Global at automotive technology-related
conferences.Prior to joining S&P Global (Now a part of S&P Global)
in 2015, his work experience includes several market research
positions in automotive, finance, and urban development.Brian received both a Bachelor of Business Administration in
Marketing and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the
University of Michigan-Dearborn.
Fanni is Principal Research Analyst focused on Connected Car and related technology at S&P Global Mobility. Her responsibilities include China market research and analysis of digital cockpit and connected car, as well as global market analysis of over the air updates, connected services and vehicle software paid updates.Fanni has more than 10 years working experience in automotive industry with engineering background. Prior to joining S&P Global, she worked for global OEM engineering center in China for several years focusing on project management and product development of infotainment domain products.Fanni holds a Master of Engineering in Mechatronic System from University of Technology of Compiegne in France, along with an MBA from University of Canberra.