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글로벌 자동차 산업은 자율주행, MaaS(Mobility as a Service)와 배터리 전동화라는 세 가지 핵심 기술이 융합됨에 따라 향후 20년 동안 크게 변할 것으로 예상됩니다. 세 기술은 함께 자동차 산업의 130년이 넘는 역사에 가장 큰 패러다임 변화를 일으켜, 기존 비즈니스 모델에 영향을 미치고 전통적인 공급망을 붕괴시킬 잠재력을 지닙니다.
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차량 소유권이 개인으로부터 공유 모델로 전환되고 자율주행차 기술이 로봇택시 미래를 향해 발전함에 따라 자동차 산업은 파괴적인 추세와 큰 기회를 동시에 직면합니다.
'MobilityInsight'는 운영 비즈니스를 위하여 글로벌 모빌리티 커버리지와 주요 4개 시장(미국, 유럽, 중국, 인도)에 대한 12년 전망 예측 데이터를 제공합니다. 'MobilityInsight'를 사용하여 다음 정보에 접근할 수 있습니다:
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보고서 예시:
새로운 EV 플레이어 스타트업 공간의 역학에 대한 연구와 분석을 살펴보세요. '새로운 EV 플레이어 모니터링'은 당사가 자체 개발한 EV-SURE 평가를 통해 EV 스타트업 기업을 평가하고 분석합니다.
최근 분석을 읽어보세요: EV 스타트업의 글로벌 BEV 시장 점유율은 2034년까지 반감한다
Light Vehicle 판매량, Parc 및 자동차주행거리(VMT)에 대한 12년 모빌리티 채널 예측: 데이터 세트는 개인이 소유하는 차량, 공유 차량(카 쉐어링), 승차공유 차량(라이드 헤일링), 추진 시스템 유형 및 자율성 수준에 대한 예측을 제공합니다.
Tom has been involved in the international automotive industry for nearly two decades and is currently responsible for both long-term market research and business consulting projects for the Automotive Group. He has contributed to special projects assessing technical, business, regulatory and societal trends to help senior management improve decision-making. He has assisted automotive manufacturers, global suppliers, NGOs and government agencies, including European Commission and Parliament. Recently, his work encompassed areas such as biofuels market potential, CO2 forecasting evaluations and future mobility outlooks.Tom regularly contributes to several company publications and is frequently quoted in the media. Previously, he was with the Automotive Group of Standard & Poor's DRI, and Euromoney Financial Publications. During his formative academic years, he was a marketing trainee at Citroen Belux and Land Rover North America.Tom holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Northwood University in Midland, Michigan, US, a Masters of Business Administration from Cardiff Business School, UK, and an IVA-A HBO (Honors) from IVA in Driebergen, Netherlands.
Nigel has more than 30 years of direct experience in analyzing and forecasting demand trends and light vehicle sales in the global automotive industry. He is focused on the micro economics of the auto industry. He has consulted on multiple forecast projects on a global, regional, national and sub national level. Most recently his work involves modeling the long term autmotive impacts of new mobilty trends including new mobilty concepts and autonomous cars. His current role involves the development of sensitivity and scenario-based automotive forecasting for short/medium term contingency planning and long term strategy planning for the industry.Nigel has been with the company since 1992, and now helps to steer the core global and country-level light vehicle sales forecasts. Earlier in his career, he worked for an international automotive consulting company, where he developed new analytical approaches to accommodate anticipated structural change in car consumer behavior at both regional and city levels in response to global adaptation of new urban mobility patterns. Nigel holds a first-class honors degree in economics, a master's degree in industrial and business economics, and an MBA from Cardiff Business School in Wales, United Kingdom, where he specialized in the economics of the motor industry. Nigel has received numerous awards for study and analysis, including the Alexander Duckhams Prize of the Institute of the Motor Industry, the Adam Smith Medal and the Sir Julian Hodge Prize of the University of Wales.
Mario is a research expert in the field of automotive Future Mobility. Mario analyses and forecasts global trends and the disruptive impact of mobility-as-a-service, electrification, and autonomous driving technologies on the auto industry. Since 2011, he is part of the automotive division of S&P Global. Prior to his current role, Mario was responsible for volume forecast and market analysis of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in Europe and the Middle-East/Africa (EMEA). During that period, he gained specialized knowledge in vehicle manufacturers' BEV (battery electric vehicles) platform strategies.Mario was employed by Daimler AG, BMW Group Japan, and Mitsumi Electronics, where he had roles in market research, price/volume planning and product management.Mario is a graduate of the University of Applied Sciences Nürtingen, Germany, Business Administration. He is a post-graduate fellowship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) - "SP Japan" The program that tightens business and cultural relations between Germany and Japan in an 18-month stay in Japan. Mario is fluent in: German, English and Croatian. Mario also speaks intermediate Japanese.